
Essential Facts of Presidential Pardons

Article 2 gives the President the authority to pardon people for specific federal crimes they have committed, but the power is not absolute as so ...

10th Amendment: Big Government is Bad Myth

Big government is bad is a bad myth because it ...
vaccination to a child

The Anti-Vaxxer Movement and the Scientific Method

About 10% of Americans believe vaccines cause autism. That’s about ...

The Three Truth Hammers: Science, Journalism, and Law

Science, journalism, and law are quests to define reality, truth hammers. They represent the best estimate of truth based on current evidence.

The Magna Carta Influence on America

Trump's legal team is arguing in the state of New York that the President cannot be "investigated", nor "prosecuted". They are claiming he is above ...
A couple having an argument

Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.

The following #debate quote is by Howard W. Newton in ...
USA flag background.

Socialism is NOT Communism

Socialism is not communism, and neither is capitalism. All three ...
Vintage pirate compass on ancient map

Parable of the Ship by Roger Williams, 1655

Roger Williams’ 1655 Parable of the Ship is used as ...

Katherine Williams Bio (1598-1634); Sister of Roger Williams of Providence

Biography: Katherine Williams was born to Alice Pemberton and James ...

Alice Pemberton Bio (1564-1634); Mother of Roger Williams of Providence

Biography: Alice Pemberton at St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. She was the ...

James Williams Bio (1562-1620); Father of Roger Williams of Providence

Biography: James Williams was born to Agnes Audley and Mark ...

Robert Williams Bio (1604-1680); Brother of Roger Williams of Providence

Biography: Robert Williams was born to Alice Pemberton and James ...
Chained up handgun

Idea: Comprehensive Gun Control

For those that say we cannot do anything about gun ...
United States constitution and gun rights

IDEA: National Gun Licensing Program

Proposal: 6 levels of licensing.

Understanding Both Sides of the 2nd Amendment Debate

Understand both sides of the second amendment debate plus whether something is or is not in the Constitution, as well as states rights.

The American Tradition of Separation of Church and State

Under the American Constitution, America must keep church separate from government. The greatness of America was not government for religion, but government free from religion ...

Understanding Colonial America Dates, Holidays, and Calendar

Before 1752 the first day of the year was 25 March. So, days of the year that fell from Jan 1 - Mar 24 were ...

Appeal to Authority Logical Fallacy

An appeal to authority logical fallacy falsely uses an authority ...

Roger Williams Biography and Dedication to the Freedom of Conscience

My 10th great grandpa! There are plenty of articles and books on Roger Williams' accomplishments. In this article I went back and researched the earliest ...

Roger Williams on Conflict and Debate

There are many Roger Williams quotes that exemplify freedom of ...
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