
Spin, Falsehoods, and Lies

First, spelling… lying liars who lie Do not confuse with ...

Research: Our Family Connection to Roger Williams

One of my favorite family stories is Roger Williams, my ...

American Immigration Policy: Problems & Solutions

The issues at the core of immigration, the caravan scare, and Trump's wall are not that complicated. You may disagree with one solution or another, ...

Family-Connection: 77 Years Since Pearl Harbor

I posted an updated version on my family blog, here. ...

Logical Fallacies Overview

A New Look at Fallacies.

The Arguments Against Global Warming & A Reply

Here is a common interpretation of the Republicans position on ...
US Immigration Service with Coronavirus vaccination certificate for required vaccination at the USA

Immigration and the Credible Fear Test

Let’s take a close look at the Credible Fear Test ...

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

Was Donald Trump right when in 2012 he tweeted: “The ...
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